Social Media Workshops for Bread & Jam

Over the last couple of months, our team has enjoyed hosting a wide range of webinars to food and drink founders in association with Bread and Jam.

About Bread & Jam

Bread & Jam are the organisers of the UK’s biggest food and drink founders’ festival. They hold virtual conferences for emerging and scaling food and drink brands, bringing together entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, buyers, media and industry leaders.

Our Workshops

Our workshops with Bread and Jam have been all industry focused workshops for food and drink founders to help them create engaging content at home (during the pandemic) building online loyalty, and general digital marketing support. 

We’ve got lots of upcoming webinars and workshops, so keep your eyes peeled on our Instagram, Twitter and Linkedln feeds for updates

Find out more about our workshops, webinars and live events. 

At Digital Works, we can tailor our events to the audience. We’ll cover the latest trends, tips and tricks in the Social Media industry as well as a deep dive into your industry. 



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